Lecture Notes:
- Lecture 1. De Morgan Circuits, Formulas, Uniformity, Riordan-Shannon's lower bounds.
- Lecture 2. Lupanov's upper bound, Gate elimination technique, Linear lower bounds against circuits.
- Lecture 3. Formula depth reduction, Khrapchenko's lower bound, Subbotovskaya's method of random restrictions.
- Lecture 4. Subbotovskaya's method (contd.), Shrinkage of formulas, Andreev's function, Neciporuk's method.
- Lecture 5. Decision tree complexity, Certificate complexity, P = NP ∩ coNP for decision tree depth, Sensitivity.
- Lecture 6. Block sensitivity, polynomial representation, degree.
- Lecture 7. Introduction to Fourier analysis, Lower bound for decision tree size.
- Lecture 8. Razborov - Smolensky's lower bound for constant depth circuits.
- Lecture 9. Hastad's Switching Lemma.
- Lecture 10. Switching Lemma continued, Lower bound for Parity, Intro to LMN theorem.
- Lecture 11. LMN Theorem and constant depth circuits.